Website Homepage Photos

Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to have a few of the photos I’ve taken or been in land on the front page of different websites like, turns-all-year, Backcountry Magazine, or Telemark Tips. This type of thing doesn’t happen too often (especially since I haven’t submitted many photos) but it does have a special meaning to me. I’ve scanned the front page pictures into my picture albums and have included the ones I have below:

The first shot I had published was of Todd Singleton skiing Mt Scott’s east bowl on a trip to Crater Lake National Park in June of 2007. The shot made the front page of both backcountry magazine and telemark tips:

June 2007 - Backcountry Magazine
June 2007 – Backcountry Magazine
Telemarktips 2007
June 2007 – Telemarktips

In July of 2007, a trip to Mt Hood’s Crater Rock area in search of summer turns yielded a nice corn harvest, and also resulted in the below shot of Todd that landed on the home page of Telemark Tips….

July 2007 - Telemarktips
July 2007 – Telemarktips

In 2010, an early October storm dumped two and a half feet of fresh snow in the Oregon Cascades. Todd and I were able to take advantage by leaving super early in the morning to get in a dawn patrol at Hoodoo, which resulted in some of the best early season powder of my life. The lighting was really nice, and the trip resulted in a shot of me taken by Todd that landed on the front page of and Turns-All-Year.

October 2010 -
October 2010 –

scan00033-(2)-1An excellent trip to Garfield Peak in Crater Lake National Park over Memorial Weekend 2011 yielded some of the best late season powder I’ve ever ridden, and a trip that I’ll not soon forget. It also resulted in a shot of Todd ripping a pow turn that landed on the homepage of Telemark Tips…

October 2011 - Telemarktips
October 2011 – Telemarktips

A June 2012 trip to the South Sister produced excellent corn snow and memories that I’ll have with me forever. A shot I took of Todd on this trip making a nice tele-turn with Broken Top in the background landed on the homepage of Telemark Tips.

June 2012 - Telemarktips
June 2012 – Telemarktips

In May 2013, after submitting a few photos to the National Ski Patrol for a photo contest, I was surprised when I opened my mailbox and found the May issue of Ski Patrol Magazine with a photo I took of my friend Raleigh Taylor on the front cover. I was pretty stoked, and the photo ended up landing me a new Go Pro and backpack.

Ski Patrol Magazine Cover
Ski Patrol Magazine Cover