I headed out to Hoodoo with the hopes of getting June turns in the books early and easily, because my wife and I were expecting our 2nd child at the end of the month. I showed up at the gate around 7:30 or so, shouldered my pack and headed down the 1/4 mile of roadway to the base of the mountain. Even given the late date for this relatively low elevation, I was able to skin the whole way up to the top. I reached the summit in under an hour and was treated to really nice views of Mt Jefferson and Three Fingered Jack to the north, and Mt Washington and the Three Sisters to the south.

I was a little bummed that this would be my only day out in June, because the higher peaks in the Oregon cascades were looking prime given the wet spring we had this season. Oh well, turns later this summer should be really nice! I dropped in and made tracks halfway down the mountain before switching back to skins for another lap.

It was a really beautiful day to be out, and I only saw two other people while I was there (one was a skier and the other a hiker). After a couple of more laps in the upper bowl, I figured I should head home to get a few things done. Today wasn’t the biggest mountain or most vertical I’ve done by any means, but it kept my turns-all-year streak alive and was actually much better than expected.