April 22, 2007 – Mt Hood Meadows

I headed to Meadows on Sunday with Andy, and the plan was to use our free lift tickets courtesy of the Warren Miller flick from earlier in the year.  We arrived to about 6 inches of fresh powder with all the lifts running.  After some initial avy work by the ski patrol, Heather Canyon opened up.  Patrol was successful in getting some slopes to slide earlier in the day higher up.  There was some early sun, but it yielded to fog and snow for the remainder of the day.  Upon entering the canyon, one could hear much hooping and hollering in the distance. Here’s a shot in the upper canyon of Andy skiing with my tracks from a cornice drop in the background…..

Andy skiing Heather Canyon – April 2007

The lines throughout the day were endless, deep and fast.  We traversed over to Clark Canyon for some more fresh lines….

Towards the afternoon it warmed up some, and we decided to head into the in the lower canyon, on runs like Jacks Woods and Absolute Magnitude.  The day ended with clouds moving in and more snow falling.  We snapped this shot at the top of the Shooting Star Express right before closing…..

Back at the car, we gulped some food and hot coffee and headed for home after another fun day of Spring pow in the Oregon Cascades!